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Aproximadamente 5.040 resultados
  1. ufo - UFOS at close sight: UFO crashes list

    21 May 2010 ... Here is a list of some well known alleged UFO crashes. ... 1953, Brady, Montana,
    USA, Recovery of bodies by military, tabloid invention. ... 1989, Cap Ontario,
    Canada. 1989 May 7, Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa ... - En caché - Similares
  2. UFO Encounters (Data) - Department of Statistics

    ... UFO Encounter G/Mexico 0 0 0 0 1953 The Arizona UFO Crash USA 1 0 1 0 1953
    ... UFO Encounter at Ontario Lake Canada 0 0 0 0 1967 The Shag Harbor Crash N
    ... - En caché - Similares
  3. UFO Crash and Alien Recoveries, The Most Up-to-date Report on Ufo ...

    1953: October- The disc-shaped UFO approximately 5 ..... 1989 Cap Ontario,
    Canada 1989 May 7 Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa (Hoax or controversial
    ) ... - En caché - Similares
  4. UFO Sightings Jump By 42% two years ago in Canada ( year 2010 ...

    1953 The Arizona UFO Crash # 1962 UFO Crashes in Las Vegas .... Nova Scotia,
    Ontario and Quebec all pulled in all-time high numbers of UFO reports. ... - En caché - Similares
  5. List of known UFO Crashes | Facebook

    1953 Brady, Montana Recovery of bodies by the army of tabloid invention. ... - En caché - Similares
  6. Canadian Government X-Files from Department of National Defence ...

    54 Re: USA to Report flights over Canada (page two) UFO SIGHTING, ROCKCLIFFE,
    ONTARIO, MAY 19, 1954 D128 05/21/54 Re: Rockcliffe, Ontario, UFO D129 05/19/54
    ... - En caché - Similares
  7. UFO History, Canada

    1953 - Wilbert Smith get approval to build UFO Detection Station ... Niagara
    Falls; 12/09/1965 - Kecksburg UFO crash/retrieval, UFO seen over Ontario ... - En caché - Similares
  8. Canadian Government X-Files from Department of National Defence ...

    1 May 2005 ... Air Defence regarding crashed UFO in Temiskaning, PQ on May 11, 1962 and that a
    ..... Laboratory near Ottawa UFO Report of November 15, 1953 205 11-30-53 (Page
    .... Flying Saucers over Canada UFO, ROCKCLIFFE, ONTARIO, ... - En caché - Similares
  9. Comunidad Mystery Planet :: Ver tema - Lista de OVNIs estrellados ...

    1953 Brady, Montana, USA Recovery of bodies by military. ... 1989 Cap Ontario,
    Canada 1989 May 7 Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa (Hoax ... 2000 August
    27 Balochistan, Pakistan Newspaper report ufos and ufo crash. ... - En caché - Similares
  10. Ufo Crash Retrivals-fbi Sources You Can Investigate - Irish Ufology

    1953 Brady, Montana, USA Recovery of bodies by military, tabloid invention. ...
    1989 Cap Ontario, Canada 1989 May 7 Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa ...
    Alleged accounts of possibly 3 UFO crashes in Australia ... - En caché - Similares
  11. Alien Crashes Around the World

    21 Apr 2008 ... 1953 Brady, Montana, USA Recovery of bodies by military. ... 1988 November
    Afghanistan 7 bodies; 1989 Cap Ontario, Canada; 1989 May 7 Kalahari ... above is
    the timeline which claims to be UFO Crashes by UFO researchers . ... - En caché - Similares
  12. Comprehensive UFO Crash Retrieval List (1884-1989)

    The van emitted a blue pulsating light beam that disabled the UFO" [paraphrased]
    1989.11.0 Corkery Road, Carp, 3 Bodies ParaNet,3/23/90:8247 Ontario, Canada ... - En caché - Similares
  13. UFO sighting - Mystery

    The Berwyn Mountain Incident was an alleged "UFO crash" in Britain. .... The
    Ellsworth UFO case occurred in 1953. On August 5 and August 6, .... brilliant
    fireball was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  14. Tonight on Coast to Coast AM - George Noory - Alternative Media ...

    Hellyer, who is well regarded in Canada, said Webre, .... 11/11/2005 -- Part 4:
    An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah ... - En caché - Similares
  15. Famous UFO Crashes - UFO Evidence

    It is rumoured that a UFO crashed on the 20th May 1953 near the desert town of
    Kingman, Arizona. .... 1989 Nov 4th: Carp, Ontario, Canada ... - En caché - Similares
  16. Avoyelles Parish man's disappearance still a mystery after 50 ...

    20 Jul 2003 ... Heath, 48, grew up in Thunder Bay, Ontario, along the north ... - En caché - Similares
  17. Nickel Centre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Nickel Centre (1996 census population 13017) was a town in Ontario, Canada, ...
    Roy Snitch (1947-52), Walter Kilimnik (1953-57), William Evershed (1958-59),
    .... The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed, Chris Rutkowski and ... - En caché - Similares
  18. Betty y Barney Hill - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    Betty Hill alegó que el supuesto OVNI virtualmente se posó sobre su cima. ... - En caché - Similares
  19. Paul Hellyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ... about the Roswell UFO Incident, which had been sitting on his shelf for ... - En caché - Similares
  20. Canadian Government X-Files from Department of National Defence ...

    Air Defence regarding crashed UFO in Temiskaning, PQ on May 11, 1962 and that
    ..... Ottawa Re: UFO Report, RCAF Station, Sea Island, November 27, 1953 179 12/
    01/53 .... investigating Flying Saucers over Canada UFO, ROCKCLIFFE, ONTARIO,
    ... - En caché - Similares
  21. Historical Cases « UFO forum

    3 Dec 2010 ... 1953 Pilot Encounters Triangle – USA. 1953 The Arizona UFO Crash – USA ... 1967
    UFO Encounter at Ontario Lake – Canada ... - En caché - Similares
  22. UFO Sightings in 1953

    UFO Sightings in 1953 UFO sighting UFOdna. ... 12 April 1953 22:00 - Coniston,
    Ontario, Canada - Miners incident. 14 April 1953 - An-Tung (Dandong), ... - En caché - Similares
  23. Daylight disc sightings in 1953

    Daylight disc sightings in 1953 UFO sighting UFOdna. ... 31 October 1953 ... - En caché - Similares
  24. UFO Magazine UK: Possible ufo crashes list

    1953 Brady, Montana, USA Recovery of bodies by military. ... 1989 Cap Ontario,
    Canada 1989 May 7 Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa ... - En caché - Similares
  25. Ufos and Aliens: Do you believe?

    continued 1950 and forward UFO crash/retrievals. ... 1953 October 13 Dutton,
    Montana, USA 4 bodies ... 1989 Cap Ontario, Canada 1989 May 7 Kalahari desert,
    Botswana, South Africa (Hoax or controversial) ... - En caché - Similares
  26. UFO Crash 1865 - Buscar con Google

    British Daily Whig for Kingston, Ontario, dated November 15, 1865 . ... UFO
    Crash 1884-1997,UFO Casebook.htm · UFO Crash 1865,Canada.pdf · Casos OVNIs ... - En caché - Similares
  27. Ufo crash list - UFOVIDMAG Forum

    Topic: Ufo crash list. Posted: 08/May/2003 at 11:25pm ... Flying Triangular
    craft was taken to Kantana Ontario an Underground backengineering facillitywas
    ... - En caché - Similares
  28. Kinross Ufo crash..could it still be there??, page 1

    On November 23, 1953, a US Air Force F-89C jet fighter interceptor was
    dispatched ... C-47 "On a night flight from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Sudbury,
    Ontario Canada. ..... There was no "UFO crash", except in the hoax story. ... - En caché - Similares
  29. If UFO's are so advanced then why do they seem to be crashing all ...

    1953 Brady, Montana, USA Recovery of bodies by military, tabloid invention ... - En caché - Similares
  30. UFO Sightings Timeline -

    1897 Apr 17, Aurora UFO Incident. The Aurora crash differs from the Roswell ....
    In June 1953, Pilot Captain Suggs along with his radar operator Robert ... at
    least six states and Ontario, that started the Kecksburg 'UFO crash' story. ... - En caché - Similares
  31. UFO Timeline -

    1953 Aug 12, Ellsworth UFO Sighting. I first heard about the sighting about ... - En caché - Similares
  32. UFO Crash Reports

    It has been published that a UFO crashed on the 20th May 1953 near the desert
    town of Kingman, Arizona. ..... Carp, Ontario Canada ... - En caché - Similares
  33. Aztec 1948 UFO Crash - The Government Cover-Up Of Recovered Alien ...

    4 Jan 2011 ... Aztec 1948 UFO Crash - The Government Cover-Up Of Recovered Alien ... UFO, PERTH
    ONTARIO, CANADA. 0:02:10. UFO, PERTH ONTARIO, CANADA ... - En caché - Similares

    3 Jan 2011 ... Triagle UFO On Google Maps Satellite Image MUST SEE REAL UFO ... - En caché - Similares
  35. Map of UFO sightings in United States - The Full Wiki

    The Roswell UFO incident involved the recovery of materials near Roswell, New
    Mexico, ... while pursuing an unidentified flying object over Lake Superior in
    1953. ... was seen by thousands in at least six states and Ontario, Canada. ... - En caché - Similares
  36. Garson, Ontario - The Full Wiki

    The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed, Chris Rutkowski and Geoff ...,_Ontario - En caché - Similares
  37. UFO Portals

    17 Sep 2010 ... Read the Malmstrom AFB/nuclear ICBM UFO Incident, Robertson Panel 1953 (
    commissioned by CIA to study UFOs), and the very ... phenomena in the area of
    the western end of Lake Ontario, Southern Ontario, Canada. ... CE3s like Isla de
    Lobos, Uruguay 1972 and Mexico-Chihuahua disk crash and recovery. ... - En caché - Similares
  38. List of major UFO sightings at AllExperts

    *1953 Ellsworth UFO Case UFO seen as a red glowing light and is witnessed ... *
    1993: Carp, Ontario, Canada An anonymous video of an UFO landing in a wheat ...
    Scotia UFO crash, object seen crashing into Shag Harbor followed by Canadian ... - En caché - Similares
  39. UFOS OVER KENTUCKY: Historical UFO and Abduction occurrences

    24 Dec 2008 ... June, 1953 Otis AFB Falmouth, Massachusetts United States A man claims .....
    2006-08-21 Ajax, Ontario Canada A UFO was photographed 8-10 ... - En caché - Similares

    1947-06-14 Roswell UFO incident Roswell, New Mexico United States United States
    ... June, 1953 Otis AFB Falmouth, Massachusetts United States A man claims that
    ..... 2006-08-21 Ajax, Ontario Canada A UFO was photographed 8-10 kilometers ... - En caché - Similares
  41. Kinross Jet Chase. Nov 23, 1953

    The incident is not even labeled as a "UFO" case in Air Force records; instead,
    ... C-47 "On a night flight from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Sudbury, Ontario Canada.
    ... UFO" versus the false radar returns and accidental crash explanations. ... - En caché - Similares
  42. 1953: UFO Crash in Arizona

    Though considered a hoax by some UFO investigators, there is an interesting
    account of a UFO crash that comes to us from Arizona. The facts are certainly
    ... - En caché - Similares
  43. Archived UFO Case Files-UFO Casebook Files

    1953 The Arizona UFO Crash. May, 1953 .... 1967 UFO Encounter at Ontario ... - En caché - Similares
  44. is a list of well known alleged UFO crashes. - Here is a list of ...

    Cap Ontario, Canada. 1989 May 7. Kalahari desert, Botswana,. South Africa ...
    Newspaper report ufos and ufo crash. 2006 November Bahia, Brazil ... - En caché - Similares
  45. 1953-Arizona UFO Crash

    Allegedly, a UFO crash and retrieval occurred in Arizona in 1953. - En caché - Similares
  46. Malton's Flying Saucer - Welcome to Mysteries of Canada

    There were 6 "reported" sightings in Ontario alone between 1951 and 1957, ... By
    late 1953, the project was costing upwards of $400000 to the Canadian ... - En caché - Similares
  47. Is this the missing jet from the 1953 Kinross UFO incident?

    29 Aug 2006 ... EVO Canada. Is this the missing jet from the 1953 Kinross UFO incident? ... A
    company map shows the search area as being in Ontario waters ... - En caché - Similares
  48. More Recent UFO Book List (thru 1995-1996)

    AND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, Hounslow Press,1991 ... A
    British Book Centre 1953. Little, G., PEOPLE OF THE WEB, White Buffalo ... - En caché - Similares
  49. Project Silver Bug

    Avro-Canada, meanwhile, was reported to be working in 1953 by the Toronto Star
    to be working on a new flying saucer at their plant in Malton, Ontario. ....
    Various UFO researchers have long been intrigued by the role the Air Technical
    ... the alleged Roswell, NM crash of an alien flying saucer was taken for study.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  50. List of major UFO sightings: Facts, Discussion Forum, and ...

    The Roswell UFO Incident was the alleged recovery of extra-terrestrial debris,
    .... Important Radar-Visual UFO:On August 5 and August 6, 1953 the US Military
    .... was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. ... - En caché - Similares
  51. UFO Folklore Center

    1 Jan 1998 ... November 23, 1953 On the night of November 23, 1953, an Air Defense ... C-47 "On
    a night flight from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Sudbury, Ontario Canada. ... the "
    true UFO" versus the false radar returns and accidental crash ... - En caché - Similares
  52. Paranormal & Ghost Society

    UFO Crashes? They do exist to there are ones you hear about and ones you do not.
    .... 1953 May 20/21, Kingman, Arizona, USA, Reliable witness, 2 bodies ... 1989,
    Cap Ontario, Canada. 1989 May 7, Kalahari desert, Botswana, South Africa ... - En caché - Similares
  53. Kinross Incident - UFO*BC HomePage

    Surrey, BC V3S 8Y9 Canada. Residents of Wawa, Ontario converge on a USAF H19
    Helicopter which made an emergency landing in a schoolyard in the fall of 1953.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  54. UFO Sightings by Civilian and Military Pilots

    North Bay, Ontario, DAILY NUGGET, 27 January 1953, Page 1 ... Something new in
    flying "objects" has been reported by a veteran Canadian pilot. .... U.S.
    officials reopen their probe into pilot's report of UFO incident ... - En caché - Similares
  55. UFO-Related Deaths and Disappearances

    Marie, Ontario, DAILY STAR, 24 November 1953, Page 1 ... was last reported ... - En caché - Similares
  56. Latest-UFO-Sightings: 8/8/10 - 8/15/10

    8 Aug 2010 ... Bombshell UFO Cases - Michael Schratt at UFO Crash Conference 2009 ..... The
    first such flight reportedly took place in mid-1953 using a ... This daytime UFO
    photo was taken in Ontario, Canada on Monday, 9th August 2010. ... - En caché - Similares
  57. PowerPedia:UFO - PESWiki

    1953 Ellsworth UFO Case UFO seen as a red glowing light and is witnessed by
    forty-five people ... Ontario, Canada An anonymous video of a UFO landing in a
    wheat field, ... by Canadian naval search; officially referred to as a UFO crash
    . ... - En caché - Similares
  58. Fortean Times Message Board :: View topic - Birmingham Ufo Crash ...

    1989 - Carp, Ontario, Canada And finally: ... Can't remember any stories of a
    ufo crash in birmingham,the only thing that springs to mind is ... - En caché - Similares
  59. This Month In UFO History

    Full NICAP investigation; May 20, 1953 - Kingman, Arizona UFO Crash .... He was
    told that the nearest doctor was in Kenora, Ontario, 45 miles east of Falcon
    Lake. ... by more than one dozen physicians in the United States and Canada. ... - En caché - Similares
  60. UFO Casebook - Ufo Crashs

    1989 Canada, Carp, Ontario, November 4 1990 Colombia, January .... This is a
    brief synopsis of UFO Crash reports and military retrievals. ... May 20, 1953 (
    Kingman, AZ) An engineer who reported this event said 1 or 2 ... - En caché - Similares
  61. Paranormal Data : ufos

    1953 - Ellsworth UFO Case UFO seen as a red glowing light and is witnessed ....
    1993 - Carp, Ontario, Canada An anonymous video of a UFO landing in a wheat ...
    Scotia UFO crash, object seen crashing into Shag Harbor followed by Canadian ... - En caché - Similares
  62. contactees - Surfing The Apocalypse

    ... in the area of the western end of Lake Ontario, Southern Ontario, Canada.
    .... LIST OF ALLEGED UFO CRASHES--This is a list of the UFO crashes up to 1992
    ... Encounters with Mysterious 'Men in Black In 1953, American UFO research ... - En caché - Similares
  63. The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2010

    10 May 2010 ... His courtroom cases have been widely reported throughout Ontario as legal
    precedent. ... Most contemporary advocates of the "Roswell UFO crash" scenario
    have .... In 1953, Lawson married Barbara Slade. ..... Andrew Fazekas, a
    director at the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, said the object was ... - En caché - Similares
  64. UFOlogy in Canada

    This was accomplished on August 10, 1953 but there are no minutes .... The
    articles were published in Canadian UFO Report, Volume 1, numbers 3, 4 and 5.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  65. A UFO Bibliography

    21 Aug 2000 ... PUBLISHER: Willowdale, Ontario, Canada: Hounslow Press, 1991 ..... PUBLISHER
    Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1953. ..... TITLE: UFO Crash/Retrievals:
    Search for Proof in a Hall of Mirrors (Status Report VII) ... - En caché - Similares

    A visual and radar UFO incident occurred in the community on November 11, ....
    Valley East was a town in Ontario, Canada, which existed from 1973 to 2000. ... - En caché - Similares
  67. The NEWS behind the NEWS. - Page 1953 - David Icke's Official Forums

    ... There is a town in CANADA named after the HMS AJAX. ... Here the mayor and
    governing body of AJAX Ontario. .... Anyway, was wanting to ask if anyone else
    looked at the rose pin on the Queen's dress and saw an alien? ... - En caché - Similares
  68. GIT Experiments

    12 Apr 2002 ... Thanks to Riken Manufacturing in Ontario, Canada, the job was completed in ....
    I followed up the lead by reading "UFO Crash at Aztec, New Mexico" (William S.
    ... D.Leslie & G. Adamski, "Flying Saucers have Landed", 1953 ... - En caché - Similares
  69. Forget Paul the Octopus -Oracle Parrot 'Mani' In Singapore Picks ...

    9 Jul 2010 ... UFO over Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada, Jan 3 2011 · UFO dematerializes on
    .... I Know What I Saw - Witnesses of the Roswell UFO Crash ... - En caché - Similares
  70. Nickel Centre, Ontario

    Nickel Centre, Ontario. ... A visual and radar UFO Incident occurred in the
    community on November 11, 1975, later reported in a press release by NORAD. ... - En caché - Similares
  71. The Seven Wonders of the Ufological World | Monstrous Lists

    Next to the Colorado River on the Nevada / Arizona border, Laughlin, ... and
    which is where a crashed UFO was supposedly recovered by the USAF in the 1953 (
    the ... UFO Landing Pad - St. Paul, Alberta, Canada. In honour of Canada's 100th
    .... Rock Spacecraft Convention annually beside the Rock, from 1953 to 1978, ... - En caché - Similares

    19 Nov 2010 ... Avro-Canada, meanwhile, was reported to be working in 1953 by the Toronto Star
    to be working on a new flying saucer at their plant in Malton, Ontario. ....
    Various UFO researchers have long been intrigued by the role the Air Technical
    ... NM crash of an alien flying saucer was taken for study. ... - En caché - Similares
  73. About Me - Brent Holland Show

    The UFO crash at Roswell New Mexico 1947. The below memo is taken from Stanton
    ..... who came to Canada the day after they married in 1953 in Washington, ...
    Growing up in the predominantly white suburb of Don Mills, Ontario in the ... - En caché - Similares
  74. Crashes in the Desert

    My first interest in crashed saucers came to me in 1953 when I read Frank ...
    The most famous of the UFO crashes is receiving a lot of publicity and ... A
    little research on weather balloons, not found in the aviation section .....
    There have been recent crashes reported in Canada , South Africa , and other
    places. ... - En caché - Similares
  75. UFO attacks on humans - Tragic consequences documented - Alien UFOs

    20 Oct 2009 ... Here is a case from Canada. THE STEFAN MICHALAK CASE MANITOBA/ONTARIO BORDER
    AREA Saturday, May 20, 1967 In
    1953, a F-89 interceptor was scrambled at Kinross AFB to investigate a UFO. ...
    Prior to the crash, witnesses had seen two UFOs following the ... - Similares
  76. Reference for List of UFO sightings -

    List of UFO sightings. ... Ajax, Ontario, Canada Photograph Shows Unknown Flying
    Object. Retrieved on 2007-02-21. ^ 'UFO' spooks pilots over Chicago. ... - En caché - Similares
  77. Wahnapitae, Ontario

    A visual and radar UFO incident occurred in the community on November 11, 1975,
    .... The Wanapitei River is a river in central Ontario, Canada. ...,_Ontario - En caché - Similares
  78. Moncla,Felix November 23,1953 (Porchlight International for the ...

    The Air Force reported that Moncla had crashed and that the "unknown" ... In
    autumn 1968, prospectors in the Cozens Cove area of Ontario found .... 23, 1953,
    intercepting a UFO over Canadian border as pilot of a Northrop F89 Jet Plane.
    ... - En caché - Similares

    30 Nov 2007 ... Nació el 5 de enero de 1953 en Connecticut (USA). .... Nació el 2 de marzo de
    1945 en Ontario (Canadá). ..... de los 60 y principios de los 70 colaboró en
    episodios de series como "El Santo", "UFO" o "Los protectores". ... - En caché - Similares
  80. Sign Historical Group - Ohio State University Collection A-F

    UFOs and the U.S. Government, 1947-1953. Washington, D.C.: Fund for UFO .... UFO
    Experiences in Canada. Ontario, Canada: General Store Publishing ..... Friedman,
    Stanton T. Status of the Roswell Flying Saucer Crash Story as of 1990. ... - En caché - Similares
  81. History of UFOs

    UFO Crash Debris Recovered From B25 Likely Meteor or Lava Rock (PDF) .... had
    occurred in the skies over Grays Harbor County on Sunday, November. .... By 1953
    the more dramatic (harder-to-explain) sightings were handled by the .... On
    December 9, 1965 a fire ball was seen over eastern Canada, Ohio, and Michigan.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  82. Computer science, information and general works - Canadian ...

    8 Jul 2002 ... Canada's UFOs - the Search for the Unknown (Library and Archives Canada) .... 50
    Years - National Library of Canada, 1953-2003 (Library and Archives ...
    Multifaith Library (Ontario Multifaith Council on Spiritual and ... - En caché - Similares
  83. Parade Photos on The Jeep CJ3B Page

    2 Jul 2010 ... There's a 25-minute newsreel movie of the 1953 Inaugural parade online ...
    Another green 3B was spotted in the 2000 Canada Day parade in Highland Park,
    Ontario (70K JPEG). ... This UFO Parade in Roswell, New Mexico marked the 50th
    ... saucer and its ET occupants crashed in a farmer's field near the ... - En caché - Similares
  84. On This Day - February 9

    1953 - A U.S.Marine Corps pilot chased a rocket-like object for over three ....
    and floating over houses along Lake Ontario in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. (Source
    : Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 52, citing NUFORC). ... - En caché - Similares
  85. UFO Hoax "Believable but Misleading" Pentagon Psyops used to ...

    Hell, I wish we would have done a staged UFO crash at my school. ..... And
    Canada also has been played this illuminati/rockefeller deception ... - En caché - Similares
  86. Project Silverbug - Human Engineered UFOs?

    Avro-Canada, meanwhile, was reported to be working in 1953 by the Toronto Star
    to be working on a new flying saucer at their plant in Malton, Ontario. .....
    think the official Air Force explanation of the supposed UFO crash at Roswell,
    ... - En caché - Similares
  87. Canada's Best Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (Part 2: Central Canada ...

    23 May 2010 ... Ontario Diner: Haugen's Chicken and Ribs BBQ - An on the way to the cottage
    destination. Haugen's has been a Port Perry institution since 1953 when it was
    ... a flying saucer crash-landed in the middle of Niagara Falls, ... - En caché - Similares
  88. North Korea will avoid retaliation for strikes - The Whig Standard ...

    ... to a decent standard of living after the devastation of the Korean War -- by
    1953, ... Canada's military ombudsman says he's troubled by how the Department
    of ... Kingston, Ont., resident Ron Grozelle felt he was treated as an "enemy"
    by ... Prepping 'badonk' for alien arrival · IOC earns a gold medal for greed
    ... - Similares
  89. SDI - Podcasts

    Chris Rutkowski discuses the results of the 2008 Annual Canadian UFO Survey and
    ..... Randle - the alien creatures Thomas Gonzales 'saw' at the Rowell crash
    site. ... sightings she and several others had near Buckhorn, Ontario in the
    80's .... News & Info. 1953 Kinross F-89 Hit UFO Head-On? Kevin Randle On
    Kinross ... - En caché - Similares
  90. UFO Cases - The Black Vault

    23 Feb 2009 ... Throughout the past, thousands of UFO cases have baffled researchers and
    investigators. ... Australia (08-17-1997) · Brampton, Ontario, Canada (10-21-
    2007) ... Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota (8-11-1953) · Ely, ... - En caché - Similares
  91. Ontario 'morphing' - Webe is Here 4 Disclosure of The UFO ...

    26 Sep 2009 ... An Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, man witnessed and took photographs September 17,
    2009, of a low flying UFO overhead in Scarborough, according to ... - En caché - Similares
  92. UFOs at Night

    May 9, 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Press Conference on UFO Disclosure ...
    Exhibits and programs about the crash and the phenomenon of UFO research in
    Roswell. .... UFO \ [unidentified flying object] (1953) - an unidentified flying
    ... - En caché - Similares
  93. Caso OVNI 1978,Bolivia - Buscar con Google ovni,accidentes ovnis- .... 1 corpo; 19 Giugno 1953 Laredo
    , ... alieni ufologia ufo alieni ufo .... Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada ... Olmos,
    Peru, July 18 1973, Miguel Peyro "OVNIs si pero" page 81. .... Dominant Issues
    in Medical Sociology, Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978. ... - En caché - Similares

    REPORT OF AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT Use this form in accordance with AF Reg. .... On 23
    November 1953, F-89c, Serial No. 51-5853A, was scrambled by “Naples” GCI to
    intercept and ..... Ontario, Canada which would correlate with the time of the
    missing F-89. .... UFO Reporting and Information Service Director - Dale Goudie
    ... - En caché - Similares
  95. 1901-2012

    December 22--Possible UFO crash in Chicago. Six years after Kitty Hawk,
    newspapers from New ... But in 1953 scientists concluded it was a forgery. ...
    Eight witnesses saw a UFO floating on the water of Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
    . ... - En caché - Similares
  96. History of subcultures

    Canada had prohibition in some local areas but the areas where alcohol was ...
    In Canada it first appeared in British Columbia about 1939 and in Ontario nine
    years later. ... New Mexico which was claimed as a UFO crash, there was an
    incident ... (6 years later in 1953) as the Marlon Brando film The Wild One. ... - En caché - Similares
  97. Archives for UFO Research (AFU)

    SS&S Publications, Willowdale, Ontario. Canada ...... 1953. Natur och Kultur,
    Stockholm ... A report on government involvmen in UFO crash retrievals. ... - En caché - Similares
  98. Lake mystery still unsolved - Paranormal Phenomena

    23, 1953, Air Force radar tracked the missing jet until it merged w. ... Marie
    said they heard a crash that occurred shortly contact with the F-89 was lost by
    the military. ... “It is a compelling mystery with an interesting UFO twist,”
    said Gord ... Dozens of residents of Canada's capital city, Ottawa Ontario and
    ... - En caché - Similares
  99. 2007 meteor shower schedule / 'meteor shower boston'

    walco meteor snowblower ontario canada. meteor northwest. meteor mars ....
    meteor crash edmonton. canadian meteor. 1953 ford meteor production numbers ....
    download meteor garden. perseid meteor 2008. ufo during meteor shower ... - En caché - Similares
  100. Texas plane crash november 08, ~allen county crash~

    review about movie crash. victorian stage coach new brunswick canada. rocksbury
    killed in crash ... aircraft crash airspeed. belleville ontario newspaper. ron
    turners plane crash .... ufo crash video. mile kilometer. plane crash air show
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